Sleep and Stress


Two Peas in a Pod

SLEEP is Vital


Deep Sleep Commonly Diminishes with Age

As we age, we tend to lose our Delta or Deep Sleep. Although it is common, we question its inevitability. The SOLTEC HEALTH System provides a solution to the problem of delta sleep loss.

Why is Deep Sleep Important?

Here are some reasons why securing enough deep sleep is crucial:

1. Physical Restoration: As mentioned, deep sleep is when our body does most of its repair work. From muscles worn out after a strenuous workout to tissues that need healing, deep sleep is when the magic happens.

2. Mental Restoration: Memory consolidation occurs during this phase, which means the things you learned and experienced throughout the day get processed and stored.

3. Energy Replenishment: Deep sleep ensures you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Without sufficient deep sleep, you might feel constantly drained or fatigued.

4. Supports Growth and Development: Growth hormone, crucial for children and adolescents, is primarily secreted during deep sleep.

Consolidated Sleep Graphic
Fragmented Sleep Graphic

Advancing into the fifth decade of older age is a collection of well-characterized changes in sleep architecture: longer time taken to fall asleep, shorter overall sleep duration, more awakenings, reduced amount of delta sleep, and an increased time spent awake throughout the night.

The graph above, representing Consolidated Sleep might just as well be labelled Ideal Normal Sleep. This is the normal sleep of a healthy 20 year-old and the basis for the scoring used in the SOLTEC•Z App. People who have suffered through Fragmented Sleep now have hope of recovering a more consolidated sleep with regular use of the SOLTEC HEALTH System.

What Can Be Done About Diminishing Delta Sleep Due To Aging?

In a nutshell, deep sleep is the critical stage for both physical restoration and mental rejuvenation. It’s a healing balm for the body and mind, playing a significant role in our emotional and cognitive processes. That’s why the SOLTEC•HEALTH™ System is dedicated to nurturing an environment that encourages optimal levels of Delta wave sleep. It does so by analyzing the user’s sleep and maximizing its innate ability to move into Delta at the moment that is most suitable to each unique user. Real Time Sleep Stage Enhancement™ is the technology that makes it possible.

Fall Asleep

Image depicting a man using Z TRACK and Z GEN

Stay Asleep

Image of woman asleep

Sleep Deeper

Image of a woman sleeping

We move you along your natural path. Imagine sleeping better and feeling less stress 24/7. Our scientifically designed system improves your sleep quality but also significantly reduces your stress levels. Picture this – within just a few weeks, you’re waking up more refreshed, feeling less stressed and living life with more energy and focus. Join us on the journey to increasing Delta sleep and longevity itself.

Unlocking the Keys to Deep Sleep and Less Stress

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

The ANS is a very primitive neurologic system that began to evolve about 700 million years ago. That is when invertebrates began to develop organs, which required regulation. The human ANS consists of two primary divisions: the Sympathetic (SD) and Parasympathetic (PD).

Evidence strongly suggests that the SD arose first, as it is responsible for the most basic function of the nervous system: survival (fight or flight). The PD appears to have developed soon thereafter to counterbalance the effects of the SD: sleep and rejuvenation.

Since the PD opens the door to deeper sleep and less stress, unlocking its frequency language is key. The frequency spectrum of the PD is believed to operate from 0.15 hz to 0.4 hz. For deep sleep, the peak frequency centers around .25hz. Supporting the PD to function at frequencies around 0.25 hz, should produce the greatest level of stress reduction/relaxation, correlating with the production of delta sleep.

Image of frequencies (ANS)

Using actual magnets, as opposed to electromagnetism employed by other devices, the SOLTEC System produces low frequencies uncontaminated by higher frequencies, thereby increasing its effectiveness in supporting delta sleep and reducing stress.

Join Our Mission

Experience Cutting-Edge Sleep Technology: Limited quantities available for pioneers in wellness and technology.

Be among the first to own a SOLTEC HEALTH System.

Stress Reduction


Stress and Sleeplessness

Graphic image of The Stress and Sleeplessness Cycle

The relationship between stress and sleep is as interwoven as the double-stranded DNA helix. 

Sleep and stress are so inextricably linked that they are simply two sides of the same coin. Stress negatively impacts sleep and poor sleep leads to more stress and poor health.

“Neuroscientists have studied sleep for over 80 years. After 30 years of researching the underlying mechanisms of sleep, we have made several groundbreaking discoveries that have allowed us to support and enhance the critical stages of sleep using safe, non-invasive, drug-free technology. This patented technology not only impacts sleep but also reduces chronic stress and may treat numerous medical conditions.

Existing biometric wearables are not the answer. They monitor your sleep but do nothing to improve it. I’m a neurologist with a business history spanning 40 years. I developed the first automated brainwave monitor, pioneered the development of automated sleep diagnostics for hospital sleep labs, and launched consumer products, including the Breathe Right nasal strips. However, I’m most proud of our latest technology to measure and improve sleep, especially Delta sleep. This technology is designed to significantly improve your life. It has been tested by 300 consumers (over 20,000 sleep sessions).

Part of our ongoing research includes the evaluation of the effect of daily stress relief sessions upon sleep and vice-versa. Our technology is uniquely suited to the collection of real, useful data regarding the relationship between poor sleep and stress. One of the most attractive attributes of the stress relief function of our system is its ease of use. We have users who work while enjoying the benefit, while others read, watch TV or simply relax.”


“Our goal with this project was to provide people with the means to create a local environment to promote relaxation without the user needing to actively participate.” 

Dr. Dan Cohen 


To start a session, select the level of relaxation and the amount of time you’d like for the session.

During a session, observe your relative stress level derived from heart rate variability (HRV) frequency analysis.

Relax Session on Soltec Z App

The SOLTECHEALTH System is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  All content available through the products and services of SOLTEC HEALTH is for general informational purposes only.  This product and system are protected by one or more of the following patents: U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,918,308; 8,668,045; 9,949,004; 11,478,604; and other U.S. and foreign patents pending.